This weekend, the world witnessed another historic sporting event. Millions of fans followed as one team battled it out against another, trying to get the ball to the opposite side of the field. Finally, the winner emerged victorious and the losers returned home empty handed.
The sport I am talking about is football, of course! And the game I am talking about is, of course, the Africa Cup quarter final match between Zambia and Sudan. Yes, "football," known popularly in the United States as "soccer." You might note that a lesser known game, called "American football" also had a big match this weekend, the "Super Bowl."
During a breathtaking 90 minutes, Zambia managed to score, not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES against Sudan. Take that, Sudan! (Now, if it were Southern Sudan, I'd be a little more gentle.)
The nickname of the Zambian National Football (Soccer) Team is "Chipolopolo." Here's how to pronounce it: "chee-POH-lo-POH-lo." Here's another way to say it, if you're excitedly cheering: "CHEEP-oh-LO-poh-LO!"
Chipolopolo means "bullet." Yes, this is what we Zambians use to kill the other team! Metaphorically speaking, of course. The Zambian National Team are also sometimes called "The Copper Bullets." (Can anyone tell me how to say "copper" in Nyanja?) Copper mining and export is one of the biggest industries in Zambia. Here's an idea: who wants to start a copper refining and manufacturing business IN ZAMBIA? Why are we exporting raw material when we could be making more money off of the finished product? Not to mention creating jobs. Hm?
Back to football. After the Chipolopolo boys pierced the heart of the Sudanese team, the Copper Bullets are on to the next big target, and its a formidible one: Ghana. Remember... Ghana has played in the World Cup. The Ghana National Football team BEAT the USA National Soccer Team in the 2010 World Cup. (Okay, beating America in soccer doesn't say much, but still!)
Zambia is going to need to play a very good game to beat Ghana today (or tomorrow, February 8, depends what time zone you're in.) So please, wear your green, copper, black, and red, or should you so choose to join me, dress like the coach: crisp white button down shirt with jeans. Check what time Zambia is playing on your local or internet listings and watch the game. It is sure to be good! And if they win, they get to play in the final match! (Americans, this would be the "Super Bowl" of the Africa Cup. And sorry, no Madonna being pulled across the field by dozens of muscley men stepping in time.)
chipolopolo = bullet
bola (pr "BOW-lah") = football/soccer
ochaya bola (pr "oh-CHAI-ah BOW-la) = football player
Zambia iza wina (pr Zambia "EE-zah WEE-nah") = Zambia is going to win!
And in closing, here's a song to get us pumped up, by one of my favorite Zambian artists, Mozegator:
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